Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Learning

We just returned from a 24 day adventure in Pocatello, Idaho! My girls spent three weeks at ArtsQuest Summer Theatre Camp. Below you can see Olivia. as Flotsam and her sidekick Jetsam in the production of The Little Mermaid Jr. It was a fabulous experience!

Olivia. is home schooled and officially a ninth grade student. She is choosing what she wants to learn and we used this summer experience as an elective credit. She spent over 150 hours taking acting, voice, and dance classes. Plus she experienced the audition process, hours of rehearsal, and finished camp with five performances. It was an amazing experience and she can hardly wait to start it again next summer!

New friends were made. I am thankful my kids have Facebook and Skype to keep in touch with their long distance friends. They have a group Skype scheduled once a week. Natalie and Ella take part in this as well.

Natalie and Ella also took part in camp. Natalie played the role of Violet in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Ella was a little blue haired Oompa Loompa. 

Here they are standing side by side! It was an amazing experience for all.

What's next? How will the kids fill the rest of their summer hours? 

Well, first everyone came home from Idaho and took a break for about a week. After some much needed sleep and down time everyone has slowly started to fill their time with their personal interests once again. 

Olivia has been reading, writing, making vocabulary lists of interesting words as she comes across them. She is fascinated by new words, and likes to try them out in her writing and in daily conversation. She has been researching the mobs of the 1920's - 1940's as well. 

Natalie has finished up her rainbow cake video from her experiment in June. She has been reconnecting with friends, swimming, and this past week has been exploring dance classes at a new studio. 

Ella has been playing, experiencing moments of boredom after having three weeks where every moment was filled with classes, rehearsal, and activity. She has started making more videos again, swimming, and taking dance classes as well. 

I have been reading, creating this blog, and a website for our tutoring business. I have been continuing to work on projects at ArtsQuest. I ordered a juicer which should arrive any day, and I am looking forward to using my new juicer and getting some exercise back into my routine!

Looks like we have plenty to keep us busy. 

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